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Deep Water - The World in the Ocean
Date added:
May 31, 2024
Deep Water - The World in the Ocean

Hot springs - photos and stories of how the world soaks, swims, and slows down

"Immerse yourself in hot springs from around the globe with this stunning visual oasis that features over 200 photos and fascinating insights showcasing their unique topography, uses, cultural meanings, and more"--

Why animals talk - the new science of animal communication

"From leading zoologist Arik Kershenbaum, a delightful and groundbreaking exploration of animal communication and its true meaning Animal communication has forever seemed intelligible. We are surrounded by animals and the cacophony of sounds that they make-from the chirping of songbirds to the growls of lions on the savanna-but we have yet to fully understand why animals communicate the way they do. What are they saying? This is only part of the mystery. To go deeper, we must also ask, what is m

The well-connected animal - social networks and the wondrous complexity of animal societies

"In the cloud forests of Monteverde, Costa Rica, pairs of male long-tailed manakins-clad in their stunning, red, blue, and black plumage-use perches as a stage for a coordinated song-and-dance to attract mates. Because the potential benefits are so great,males compete intensely for access to the stage. Who wins that competition? If you want a good perch to attract a mate, you need to have connections-and be deeply embedded in the manakin social network from the days of your youth. This is just o

Sharks don't sink - adventures of a rogue shark scientist

"From a marine biologist and co-founder of Minorities in Shark Sciences, a powerful debut memoir: the uplifting story of a young Black scientist's challenging journey to flourish outside the traditional confines of academia, inspired by her innate connection to nature's most misunderstood animal-the shark. You never forget your first shark. For Jasmin Graham, it was a little bonnethead, a type of hammerhead shark: three feet long, gray with a white underbelly, rough-skinned, strongly muscled, an

Feather trails - a journey of discovery among endangered birds

"The story of one woman's remarkable work with a trio of charismatic, endangered bird species-and her discoveries about the devastating threats that imperil them. In Feather Trails, wildlife biologist and birder Sophie A. H. Osborn reveals how the harmfulenvironmental choices we've made--including pesticide use, the introduction of invasive species, lead poisoning, and habitat destruction--have decimated Peregrine Falcons, Hawaiian Crows, and California Condors. In the Rocky Mountains, the cloud

What the wild sea can be - the future of the world's ocean

"The acclaimed marine biologist and author of The Brilliant Abyss examines the existential threats the world's ocean will face in the coming decades and offers cautious optimism for much of the abundant life within. No matter where we live, "we are all ocean people," Helen Scales emphatically observes in her bracing yet hopeful exploration of the future of the ocean. Beginning with its fascinating deep history, Scales links past to present to show how the prehistoric ocean ecology was already wo

Sing like fish - how sound rules life under water

"For centuries, humans ignored sound in the "silent world" of the ocean, assuming that what we couldn't perceive, didn't exist. But we couldn't have been more wrong. Marine scientists now have the technology to record and study the complex interplay of the myriad sounds in the sea. Finally, we can trace how sounds travel with the currents, bounce from the seafloor and surface, bend with the temperature and even saltiness; how sounds help marine life survive; and how human noise can transform ent

The secret history of sharks - the rise of the ocean's most fearsome predators

"From ancient megalodons to fearsome Great Whites, this is the complete, untold story of how sharks emerged as Earth's ultimate survivors, by a world-leading paleontologist Sharks have been fighting for their lives for 500 million years and are under direthreat today. They are the longest surviving vertebrate on Earth, outlasting multiple mass extinction events that decimated life on the planet. How did they thrive so long? By developing superpower-like abilities that allowed them to ascend to t

It's a numberful world - how math is hiding everywhere ... from the crown of a tree to the sound of a sine wave

"A fun how-to guide to the world of math, offering insight into quirky questions like 'Why is a rainbow curved?'; 'Why aren't left-handers extinct?'; 'How is a sunflower like a synchronized swimmer?' and a look into (and explanation of) interesting mathematical marvels such as sine waves in music and prime numbers essential to data encryption"--

A wild promise - an illustrated celebration of the Endangered Species Act

"In 1973, the United States Congress came together with bipartisan support to create and pass a bold and visionary act-one of protection, preservation, and promise. For the past fifty years this promise, The Endangered Species Act, has ensured that the most threatened and vulnerable species and their habitats are protected. From the Stellar Sea Lion to the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, from the Steelhead Trout to the Red Wolf-this landmark act has worked to preserve the wild beauty that surrounds and

Physics 100 ideas in 100 words - a whistle-stop tour of key concepts

In partnership with The Science Museum, this book introduces 100 key areas of physics--including gravity, motion, magnetism and quantum physics--and explains each topic in just 100 words.

Math 100 ideas in 100 words - a whistle-stop tour of key concepts

In partnership with The Science Museum, this book introduces 100 key areas of math--including geometry, algebra and probability--and explains each topic in just 100 words.

Date added:
Apr 18, 2024

A practical guide covering the fundamentals and the most recent discoveries in genetics looks at such topics as applying genetic science to fight disease, developing new products, and solving crimes.

Crystals and Gems
Date added:
Apr 18, 2024
Crystals and Gems

How biology works
Date added:
Apr 18, 2024
How biology works

"Discover everything you need to know about biology, with the simplest most visual guide to the science of life. How do vaccines work? What is special about stem cells? How did we evolve from bacteria? The science of life can be dauntingly complex, and itcan be hard to separate "good" science from "bad", fundamental truths from the much-hyped breakthroughs reported in the media. With clear, easy-to-understand graphics and packed with fascinating facts, How Biology Works demystifies both the core

Cave of bones - a true story of discovery, adventure, and human origins

"This thrilling book takes the reader into South African caves to discover fossil remains that reframe the human family tree"--

Business statistics
Date added:
Apr 18, 2024
Business statistics

Shows how statistical ideas, techniques, formulas, and calculations apply to the world of global business and economics. You'll get an introduction on sampling and graphs, and discover how statistics are used in daily life.

Date added:
Apr 18, 2024

"Discover the undiscovered with this jargon-free introduction to astrophysics Astronomy is the study of what you see in the sky. Physics is the study of how things work. Astrophysics is the study of how things in the sky work, from large objects to tinyparticles. Astrophysics For Dummies breaks it all down for you, making this difficult but fascinating topic accessible to anyone. Tracking the topics covered in a typical undergraduate astrophysics class, this book will teach you the essential pi

Date added:
Apr 18, 2024

A beginner's guide to astronomy features information about the solar system as well as star maps and a monthly guide to locating the planets in the sky.

A wild promise - an illustrated celebration of the Endangered Species Act

"In 1973, the United States Congress came together with bipartisan support to create and pass a bold and visionary act--one of protection, preservation, and promise. For the past fifty years this promise, The Endangered Species Act, has ensured that the most threatened and vulnerable species and their habitats are protected. From the Stellar Sea Lion to the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, from the Steelhead Trout to the Red Wolf--this landmark act has worked to preserve the wild beauty that surrounds a

Cry of the wild - eight animals under siege

"A fox, grown strong on pepperoni pizza from the dustbins of the East End, dances along a railway track towards Essex, the territory of wild foxes and wilder huntsmen. An orca, mourning the loss of her mother in a valley west of Skye, knows that she must now lead the pod as matriarch. She swims again through her childhood, thinking about the old ways, the old roads, laid down thousands of years ago. But the old roads aren't so easy now. At moonrise in a West Country river, an otter floats slowly

Piping hot bees and boisterous buzz-runners - 20 mysteries of honey behavior solved

"Thomas Seeley has spent his career unraveling the mysteries of honey bee behavior. His goal has been to understand how the 30,000 or so bees in a colony work together as a unit to accomplish such things as finding and occupying a snug nest cavity, furnishing it with beeswax combs, filling these combs with brood and food, and keeping themselves well nourished, comfortably warm, and safe from intruders. In this book, Seeley's goal is to illuminate these and other mysteries about the workings of h

Piping hot bees and boisterous buzz-runners - 20 mysteries of honey bee behavior solved

"Thomas Seeley has spent his career unraveling the mysteries of honey bee behavior. His goal has been to understand how the 30,000 or so bees in a colony work together as a unit to accomplish such things as finding and occupying a snug nest cavity, furnishing it with beeswax combs, filling these combs with brood and food, and keeping themselves well nourished, comfortably warm, and safe from intruders. In this book, Seeley's goal is to illuminate these and other mysteries about the workings of h

Escape from shadow physics - quantum confusion and the return to reality

"The received wisdom in quantum physics is that, at the deepest levels of reality, there are no actual causes for atomic events. This idea led to the outlandish belief that quantum objects-indeed, reality itself-aren't real unless shaped by human measurement. Einstein mocked this idea, asking whether his bed spread out across his room unless he looked at it. And yet it remains one of the most influential ideas in science and our culture. In Escape from Shadow Physics, Adam Kay takes up Einstein'

Accidental astronomy - how random discoveries shape the science of space

"If you learn about the scientific method, you learn that first we hypothesize about something we've experienced, and then we look for more of it. This works well enough--but what if you were interested in studying a heretofore unknown comet or supernova?That is the essential problem of the astronomer: the most important discoveries happen without notice! Indeed, as Chris Lintott argues in Accidental Astronomy, luck defines astronomy. Lintott explores the ways in which happenstance shapes how we

Volcanic - Vesuvius in the age of revolutions

"Vesuvius is best known for its disastrous eruption of 79CE. But only after 1738, in the age of Enlightenment, did the excavations of Herculaneum and Pompeii reveal its full extent. In an era of groundbreaking scientific endeavour and violent revolution, Vesuvius became a focal point of strong emotions and political aspirations, an object of geological enquiry, and a powerful symbol of the Romantic obsession with nature. John Brewer charts the changing seismic and social dynamics of the mountain

Birds aren't real - the true story of mass avian murder and the largest surveillance campaign in US history

"The true story of the greatest conspiracy in US history--and how to fight back. Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? You haven't, have you? No one has, not in many, many years. They used to be everywhere. You couldn't walk out of your front door in New YorkCity in the 1930s without seeing dozens of those little guys scurrying around. Today, there are millions of grown up pigeons in New York, but not a baby pigeon to be seen. That's because they come out of the factory as adults. This is one of the

Quanta and fields - the biggest ideas in the universe

"In the second book of this already internationally acclaimed series, Sean Carroll, the most trusted explainer of the most mind-boggling concepts, digs deep into matter itself. What is the universe made of? In his quest to redefine the "popular" treatmentof the biggest ideas in the universe, Sean Carroll is creating a profoundly new approach to physics and math as reviewer after reviewer has attested. Adventuring in the math of fields, he now intrepidly guides readers into the fantastic depths o

Quanta and fields - the biggest ideas in the universe

"In the second book of this already internationally acclaimed series, Sean Carroll, the most trusted explainer of the most mind-boggling concepts, digs deep into matter itself. What is the universe made of? In his quest to redefine the "popular" treatment of the biggest ideas in the universe, Sean Carroll is creating a profoundly new approach to physics and math as reviewer after reviewer has attested. Adventuring in the math of fields, he now intrepidly guides readers into the fantastic depths

Amphibious soul - finding the wild in a tame world

"In this thrilling memoir of a life spent exploring the most incredible places on Earth--from the Great African Seaforest to the crocodile lairs of the Okavango Delta--Craig Foster reveals how we can attend to the earthly beauty around us and deepen our love for all living things, whether we make our homes in the country, the city, or anywhere in between. Foster explores his struggles to remain present to life when a disconnection from nature and the demands of his professional life begin to dea

The light eaters - how the unseen world of plant intelligence offers a new understanding of life on Earth

"A book exploring the emerging science on plant intelligence, uncovering plants' complex and unimaginable capabilities and calling into question what we consider to be conscious agents in the natural world"--

The birds that Audubon missed - discovery and desire in the American wilderness

"Naturalist Kenn Kaufman examines the scientific discoveries of John James Audubon and his artistic and ornithologist peers to show how what they saw (and what they missed) reflects how we perceive and understand the natural world"--

The light eaters - how the unseen world of plant intelligence offers a new understanding of life on Earth

"A book exploring the emerging science on plant intelligence, uncovering plants' complex and unimaginable capabilities and calling into question what we consider to be conscious agents in the natural world"--

An encyclopedia of gardening for colored children

"In this modern-day abecedarium, Jamaica Kincaid shares her deep knowledge of plant history and nomenclature while writing about the intersections of the plant world with history, race, mythology, colonial appropriation, and independence. Accompanied by vivid, powerful illustrations by Kara Walker"--

The birds that Audubon missed - discovery and desire in the American wilderness

"Naturalist Kenn Kaufman examines the scientific discoveries of John James Audubon and his artistic and ornithologist peers to show how what they saw (and what they missed) reflects how we perceive and understand the natural world"--

The Backyard Bird Chronicles
Date added:
Mar 7, 2024
The Backyard Bird Chronicles

Alien earths - the new science of planet hunting in the cosmos

"Riveting and timely, a look at the research that is transforming our understanding of the cosmos in the quest to discover whether we are alone. For thousands of years, humans have wondered whether we're alone in the cosmos. Now, for the first time, we have the technology to investigate. But once you look for life elsewhere, you realize it is not so simple. How do you find it over cosmic distances? What actually is life? As founding director of Cornell University's Carl Sagan Institute, astrophy

Alien earths - the new science of planet hunting in the cosmos

"Riveting and timely, a look at the research that is transforming our understanding of the cosmos in the quest to discover whether we are alone. For thousands of years, humans have wondered whether we're alone in the cosmos. Now, for the first time, we have the technology to investigate. But once you look for life elsewhere, you realize it is not so simple. How do you find it over cosmic distances? What actually is life? As founding director of Cornell University's Carl Sagan Institute, astrophy

Foraging as a way of life - a year-round field guide to wild plants

"Nourish your family from nature's pantry. Foraging as a Way of Life documents a full year of wildcrafting for abundant local and seasonal eating. Lavishly illustrated, detailed descriptions of each plant are written in an accessible style, complemented by profiles, recipes, and tips for safe and sustainable harvesting."--

Birds through indigenous eyes - Native perspectives on birds of the eastern woodlands

"An intimate and personal account of the profound role birds play in Native American life and spirituality. For many hours over a period of years, anthropologist Dennis Gaffin recorded his conversations with two Native American friends, Michael Bastine and John Volpe, about a shared passion: the birds of upstate New York and southern Ontario. In these lively, informal talks, Bastine, an Algonquin and Ojibwe healer and naturalist, and Volpe, an Ojibwe naturalist and animal rehabilitator, shared t

The asteroid hunter - a scientist's journey to the dawn of our solar system

"On September 11, 1999, humanity made a monumental discovery in the vastness of space. Scientists uncovered an asteroid of immense scientific importance--a colossal celestial entity. As massive as an aircraft carrier and towering as high as the iconic Empire State Building, this cosmic titan was later named Bennu. Remarkable for much more than its size, Bennu belonged to a rare breed of asteroids capable of revealing the essence of life itself. But just as Bennu became a beacon of promise, resea